Cryin' and Dyin': noun

  1. The best podcast in the universe. "Cryin' and Dyin' is the best podcast in the universe."
  2. A podcast hosted by two cousins that have reconnected as adults. "Adam and Lizzie host the Cryin' and Dyin' podcast."
  3. People that like to share funny stories on a podcast. "Hey Lizzie! What had you Cryin' and Dyin' this week?"

Cryin' and Dyin': Adjective

  1. A genuine feeling about a question or concern. "Whoa! That story had me cryin' and dyin'."
  2. Something that is unbelievable in some way, shape, or form, an event worthy of memory. "I can't believe that cryin' and dyin' story Aunt Suzie just told. Is she okay?"
  3. Something so funny it might make you cry. "Girl! You had me cryin' and dyin' last night!"
  4. Positive description of a fun, loving, caring, honest, great person. "Aunt Suzie heart of cryin' and dyin' gold."
pink skull crying head