mentioned in the show

soundstripe logo
Your projects deserve exceptional music. Check out Soundstripe and take your work to the next level with outstanding royalty free music. #Affiliate
Honeybook logo
HoneyBook supports service-based small business owners with the tools they need to be successful and live a life built on passion and purpose. #Affiliate
Webflow logo
Webflow is a no code web design tool to create powerful, responsive web sites. #Affiliate
Namecheap logo
Namecheap is an ICANN-accredited domain name registrar providing domain name registration and everything you for a website. #Affiliate
Audible is the leading creator and provider of premium audio storytelling, enriching the lives of our millions of listeners every day. #Affiliate
Rocketbook logo
Rocketbook makes taking notes easier. Check out the smart notebook that allows you to take actual notes and save them with your phone. #Affiliate